Indiana Prisoner Petitions Cases filed in Indiana.
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Prisoner Petitions – Indiana (IN) Inmate List
Petition Search from February 23, 1998 to April 5, 2024
A(1401 rec) B(849 rec) C(1589 rec) D(2206 rec) E(742 rec) F(300 rec) G(579 rec) H(246 rec) I(97 rec) J(3309 rec) K(1064 rec) L(963 rec) M(1721 rec) N(236 rec) O(135 rec) P(343 rec) Q(83 rec) R(1994 rec) S(996 rec) T(1188 rec) U(24 rec) V(211 rec) W(560 rec) X(13 rec) Y(35 rec) Z(63 rec) Plaintiff/ Respondent Name | Petitioner/ Defendant Name | Filed, Nature of Suit, Judge |
KEITH D. ABNEY - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | WEXFORD MEDICAL COMPANY, INDIANA DEPARMENT OF OF CORRECTION, PLAINFIELD DEPARTMENT CORRECTION | Filed: January 17, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Richard L Young jury demanded by Plaintiff |
Kyle R Bledsoe, KYLE R. BLEDSOE - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | C.O. Banholzer, BUTCHER, C.O. George, C.O. Evans, Corporal Driver, DOUG COX, C.O. Kendall, , Major DUANE BURGESS, DRIVER, EVANS, C.O. Butcher, RANSDELL, C.O. McDaniels, DUANE BURGESS, Sergeant Ransdell, BAHNOLZER, GEORGE, C.O. Hess, HESS, Sheriff DOUG COX | Filed: January 21, 2019 Prisoner: Civil Rights §42:1983, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN JACKSON, JEANEATTE JACKSON, KELVIN JACKSON - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | WEXFORD MEDICAL PROVIDERS, HUBER, G.E.O. GROUP, SHELLEY, DAUSS | Filed: January 22, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEITH D. ABNEY - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | HOWARD COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE CENTER, ROBIN BUYERS, BILL MENGES, STEVE ROGERS | Filed: January 25, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Richard L Young jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Matthew P Brookman More Information >>> | I.D.O.C., CRISSY GUYTON, K. HAMPTON | Filed: February 11, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge James R Sweeney |
KALEFE MARSH - Judge James Patrick Hanlon More Information >>> | MICHAEL BREEN, AMBER KING, JOSHUA SHAVERS, BRANDON RICHIE | Filed: February 13, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Debra McVicker Lynch jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN E. TERRY - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | WEXFORD, MEYERS, SAMANTHA ALBERSON, CORIZON, TALBOT | Filed: March 18, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge James Patrick Hanlon jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN BRODLEY - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | ROBERTSON, AGNES A. OPOKU, WEXFORD MEDICAL DOE CORP., MURANT POLAR, JANE | Filed: March 19, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge James R Sweeney |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: March 28, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor |
KEVIN SINGLETON - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | STATE OF INDIANA | Filed: April 01, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt |
KARLA ESTRADA - Judge Matthew P Brookman More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: April 01, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | ROLLAND, JERRY JONES | Filed: April 08, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Debra McVicker Lynch jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN LEVEIL REAVES, SR. - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: April 16, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | HUNTER, ROLLAND, PRETORIUS, K. HAMPTON, S. KNIGHT, ANDREWS | Filed: April 18, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KELVIN HAMPTON - Judge Tanya Walton Pratt More Information >>> | RUZI, KRYPEOS, V. SHEPHERD, LAURA BODKIN, HAMMON, DUSHAN ZATECKY | Filed: May 02, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KARLA ESTRADA - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: May 08, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge James Patrick Hanlon |
KEVIN L. SINGLETON BEY - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | MADISON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, MADISON COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT 6, COUNTY CLERK, MADISON COUNTY JAIL, SAMANTHA GREEN, MARK DUDLEY, RODNEY CUMMINGS | Filed: May 09, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt |
KEVIN L. SINGLETON BEY - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | OBERHAUSER, RECEPTION DIAGNOSTIC CENTER, GEO GROUP INC, ROBERT D. BUGHER, R. PATTON, EMERSON, M. TRUEX | Filed: May 09, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Debra McVicker Lynch |
KEVIN L. SINGLETON BEY - Judge Doris L Pryor More Information >>> | OBERHAUSER, RECEPTION DIAGNOSTIC CENTER, GEO GROUP INC, ROBERT D. BUGHER, R. PATTON, EMERSON, M. TRUEX | Filed: May 17, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Richard L Young |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Matthew P Brookman More Information >>> | JERRY JONES, IDOC, APRIL BROWN, TY ROBBINS | Filed: May 23, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | IDOC, JON DEGUILIO, JON DEQUILIO | Filed: May 24, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEITH MAJORS - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | USA | Filed: May 31, 2019 Prisoner: Vacate Sentence §28:2255, Referring Judge William T Lawrence |
KING JEW JEWISH, DAVID YOUNG - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | NEW CASTLE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY STAFF | Filed: June 06, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Mark J Dinsmore |
KEVIN SWIFT - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | DUANE BURGESS, JOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT | Filed: June 12, 2019 Prisoner: Civil Rights §42:1983, Referring Judge James Patrick Hanlon jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KENNETH L. SCOTT - Judge Matthew P Brookman More Information >>> | DANIELS MOTHER STATE PROSECUTOR, BRADLEY JACOBS, WEBBER, TERRY R. CURRY, AUSTIN BRONAH, BURNER, DANIELS | Filed: June 21, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson |
KEITH WHITE - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Filed: July 05, 2019 Prisoner: Vacate Sentence §28:2255, Referring Judge Mark J Dinsmore |
KURT J. KEMP - Judge James Patrick Hanlon More Information >>> | M. SEIVER, I. RANDOLF, H. WINNINGHAM, F. OWENS, M. OSBURN, BRYAN PEARSON, A. ELSROD, K. BUTTS, ANDREW BEGHUN, GEO GROUP | Filed: July 08, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEANDRE ARNOLD - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | JAMIE COY, BLAKE HUBER, ANGEL PETTY, SAMMY JOSEPH, DUSTIN KIDD, DAVID YOUNG, NIKKO RUCKER, GREG PEARSON, MICHAEL KRUL, LESLIE GOODMAN | Filed: September 09, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge James Patrick Hanlon jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN D. BRAZIER - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | C. HOLCOMB, NORRIS ARNOLD, RICHARD BROWN | Filed: September 10, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Sarah Evans Barker |
KEVIN S. TURNER - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | HALLORAN, REED, MS REED, MARK SEVIER, GARY E. LEWIS, ROBERT CARTER, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, CHAD CORNETT, SALDANA, MR. SALDANA | Filed: September 11, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge James R Sweeney jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEVIN REAVES - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | IDOC, JERRY JONES, GTL | Filed: September 11, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Mark J Dinsmore jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KYEE MYINT - Judge Doris L Pryor More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: September 25, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge James R Sweeney |
KEITH GOLAY - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Filed: September 27, 2019 Prisoner: Vacate Sentence §28:2255, Referring Judge Tanya Walton Pratt |
KETH MEDARIS, SR., KEITH MEDARIS, SR. - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | JANE E. MAGNUS-STINSON | Filed: October 08, 2019 Prisoner: Civil Rights §28:1442, Referring Judge James Patrick Hanlon |
KEVIN D. HAMLET - Judge James Patrick Hanlon More Information >>> | JOE HOGSETT, RONAN, MARION COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF RONAN, CORRECTIONS CARE SOLUTIONS, SCHULZE, BOOK-IN NURSE DEBRA, DEBRA CLEMONS, CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS, MARION COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT | Filed: October 17, 2019 Prisoner: Civil Rights §42:1983, Referring Judge Debra McVicker Lynch jury demanded by Both |
KEVIN JACKSON - Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson More Information >>> | MARK SEVIER | Filed: October 18, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor |
KEVIN JACKSON - Judge Tim A Baker More Information >>> | MARK SEVIER | Filed: October 18, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Richard L Young |
KYEE MYINT - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | BRIAN SMITH | Filed: October 25, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson |
KYEE MYINT - Judge Doris L Pryor More Information >>> | BRIAN SMITH | Filed: October 28, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge James R Sweeney |
KEVIN L. REAVES, SR. - Judge Debra McVicker Lynch More Information >>> | TOMAW | Filed: November 12, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Richard L Young jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KARI SPRAY - Judge Tanya Walton Pratt More Information >>> | JOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, JOHNSON COUNTY JAIL | Filed: November 27, 2019 Prisoner: Civil Rights §42:1983, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor |
KENNETH MCDAVID - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | MARK SIEVER | Filed: December 09, 2019 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge James R Sweeney |
KEVIN L. SINGLETON BEY - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | INC., HTCF, GEO GROUP, IDOC | Filed: December 30, 2019 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Mark J Dinsmore |
KEVIN MARTIN - Judge Sarah Evans Barker More Information >>> | CATHLEEN CAPRON, HORVILL, CHILLING, HERR, SPATOES, GIBSON, MICHAEL CAIN, ARMSTRONG, BIATY | Filed: January 06, 2020 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Debra McVicker Lynch jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEITH MEDARIS, SR. - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | PENDLETON CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, STATE OF OF INDIANA, DEPARTMENT CORRECTION | Filed: January 08, 2020 Prisoner: Civil Rights §42:1983, Referring Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KEITH ELLIS - Judge Tanya Walton Pratt More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: January 22, 2020 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor |
KEITH ELLIS - Judge Debra McVicker Lynch More Information >>> | WARDEN | Filed: January 22, 2020 Habeas Corpus (General) §28:2254, Referring Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson |
KOREY REAVES - Judge James Patrick Hanlon More Information >>> | LOVEALL, SHAW, UNNAMED, MILLS | Filed: January 23, 2020 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Doris L Pryor |
KRISTOPHER KANABLE - Judge James Patrick Hanlon More Information >>> | BREEN, WION, CONKRIN, BRITTNEY GROVES, SHAW, J. SCHURMAN, COBLE, PRATER, SPIKER, MCABEE, ZATECKY, PAUL A. TALBOT | Filed: February 05, 2020 Prisoner Petitions - Prison Condition §42:1983, Referring Judge Debra McVicker Lynch jury demanded by Plaintiff |
KASHAWN MORROW - Judge Mark J Dinsmore More Information >>> | USA | Filed: February 24, 2020 Prisoner: Vacate Sentence §28:2255, Referring Judge Richard L Young |
Legal resources for people in prison in Indiana
The ACLU of Indiana litigates cases involving the constitutional and religious rights of prisoners, including prison and jail conditions in Indiana. We do not litigate cases involving post-conviction relief or appeals of criminal convictions. We do not usually litigate individual damages cases.
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